October 28

Wrap-up: Four Akron players joining with Pittsburgh’s Renegades for Erie games, October 27

Announcements, Game Invite


Water polo players standing for a photo on pool deck
Team photo at Penn State University on Saturday, October 27, 2018.

Player from Akron wrote a follow-up message: I had a great time. I really enjoyed playing with the renegades. The whole team, super cool. Let me know if you need players again. I definitely would join anytime I could.


Updated on 10/28 and prior on 10/21/18

Way to go team!

Akron Reinforcements:

Akron icon
Akron Water Polo Club is on Facebook in a closed group.

Four players from Akron’s masters water polo squad are going to join with the side from Pittsburgh at the Penn State Brehend tournament.

  1. Alec Swan
  2. Courtney Russell
  3. Louis M Clark
  4. April


Thanks to the host’s connections, three other players are slated to join the Pittsburgh Renegades for the game day too.

  1. Nick Willison (former W&J player),
  2. Shanen Lazenby (former Gannon player),  (* might miss morning game with conflict) and
  3. Anthony Squelia (former W&J player). ONLY attending the 2:30 game, after coaching at YMCA swim meet.

Pittsburgh’s players:

  1. Kinz
  2. Kiean
  3. Samer Out w injury as per 10/22
  4. Ancilla
  5. Alyssa Diacono
  6. Eric Kress
  7. Dave
  • Joie – maybe turned into can’t attend
  • Adrienne Fyock – Won’t attend as NA girls make states.

Squad Set!

Looks like 12 players, but perhaps 13 for the last game. No additional players are needed.

Payment due: $25

Every player needs to chip in $25 for the day for game fees.


Game schedule
Game schedule for October 27 at Penn State B in Erie

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