July 25

Practices are booming in July

Announcements, Summer Team Outreach


Come out to the swim pool for evening practices.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Water polo players standing for a photo after practice.
Click image for larger view.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Water polo players standing for a photo after practice.
Click image for larger view.

Switching practice dates: Not on Thursday, July 26, but we can practice on Friday, July 27.

The Swim Carnival had hundreds of people flooding to the pool on Thursday and the pool closed at 6 pm. They had to clean up and recover.

In the future, we need to suggest that the carnival not happen on a day of water polo. Or else, we need to embed water polo into the carnival. Might be a great day for a demo game.

About the author 

Coach Mark

Coach and publisher of various websites and books for cutting edge sports participants. Working with International Swim Coaches Association on a course for swim coaches who want to lead water polo teams. Call: 412-298-3432.

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